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Register to Vote

Exercise Your Rights As A Citizen

Once you have taken your oath of allegiance and have been sworn in as a U.S. citizen, you are eligible to register to vote! Voting is one one of the most important rights that you gain when you naturalize. When you vote, you ensure that the laws and the people who make them reflect the interests of you and your community.

In order to register to vote in Washington, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • 18 years of age or older
  • A resident of Washington State
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What To Expect When You Vote

Voting is a simple but important process. This video outlines 6 simple steps to voting in Washington state.

Voting Languages

Most counties in Washington state allow voting in English only. Depending on your county, you may being able to request a ballot in another language. The following counties provide ballots in languages other than English.

  • Adams County: Ballots are bilingual, in English and Spanish
  • Franklin County:  Ballots are bilingual, in English and Spanish
  • King County: You may request a ballot and voter materials are in Chinese, Korean, Spanish, or Vietnamese. Visit King County elections online to choose your preferred language
  • Yakima County:  Ballots are bilingual, in English and Spanish

Regardless of your county, you can always view your voters pamphlet in Chinese, Spanish, or Vietnamese by logging in to MyVote online and selecting your preferred language from the drop-down menu at the top right.