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Citizenship Workshops in Washington State

Get Help With Your Citizenship Application

Are you ready to take the next step toward becoming a U.S. citizen? Attend our upcoming workshop to get support with submitting your application. You will receive a free legal consultation with an attorney to ensure you on following every step correctly, from completing your forms to preparing for your interview.

Important note: These workshops are designed to support people living in Washington state who are eligible and ready to apply for naturalization now. If you still need support with understanding the process for becoming a U.S. citizen, we encourage you to review our Path to Citizenship guide instead.

Are you not from Washington state? Use this website to find help in other states in the U.S.

Citizenship Day
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Join us at our Citizenship Day!

Are you ready to take the next step toward becoming a U.S. citizen? Join us on April 26, 2025 for a special Citizenship Workshop in Seattle! Our team of experienced professionals will be there to guide you through the process, answer your questions, and provide the support you need to start your journey.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get the help you need in a friendly and welcoming environment. All services are free, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!

When: April 26, 2025
Where: Seattle. You will receive more information regarding the exact address upon approval of your appointment
Time: 9:00 a.m.

We’re partnering with the Port of Seattle for this event.

Spaces are limited. Complete the online intake form below and email us at wna@weareoneamerica.org to set up an appointment or get more information. We look forward to seeing you there!

Start The Process Online with Citizenshipworks

Speed up your application process. Draft your naturalization form in CitizenshipWorks to prepare for our workshops.

CitizenshipWorks is not an application submission site. However, it will help you with your screening at our citizenship clinics by letting you begin to draft your application. For our clinics, you must complete 90% of the form yourself. Remember to write down your log in information and bring it with you to your appointment.

Eligibility Requirements

Citizenship Workshops are designed for people who are ready to apply for naturalization now. There are several eligibility requirements you must meet, in order to be ready to apply. Are you unsure if you are eligible for naturalization? Visit our eligibility requirements page to learn more about the requirements

What To Expect At Our Citizenship Workshop

Our goal is to make your application process as smooth as possible. Here’s what you’ll experience during your visit:

1. Intake Station

We’ll check you in, have you complete a few forms, and review your green card. You’ll also receive a number to guide you through the stations.

2. Screening Station

You’ll meet one-on-one with an attorney who will assess your eligibility to apply for citizenship.

3. Form Completion Station

If you’re eligible, a paralegal will help complete your N-400 form. Depending on your situation, they may also assist with fee waiver forms.

4. Quality Review Station

An attorney will carefully review your forms to ensure everything is accurate and complete.

5. Copy Station

We’ll prepare your application package, including photocopies of important documents (like your green card and tax records) and provide you with originals for your records. You’ll also receive detailed instructions on paying the required fees, mailing your application, and the next steps.

6. Exit Station

Before you leave, we’ll provide additional resources, discuss next steps, and ask for your feedback through a quick survey. You can also have your photo taken if you’d like!

Important Notes

  • Time Commitment: Completing the process can take most of the day. We’re committed to quality, which means taking the time to get everything right. We suggest bringing snacks, a book, or any materials you need to pass the time between stations.
  • Personal Process: This is a personal process, so family members are not allowed in the service areas. However, they are welcome to wait in the lobby.
  • Child Care: it is usually not provided. If needed, you may bring a family member to accompany your child while you work with our team.
  • Language Access: We provide interpretation services. Please let our team know if you need assistance in your preferred language.
  • Legal Representation: Our legal representation is limited to the day of the event. We will provide you with the next steps, but we will not accompany you to your interview or represent you beyond the event. However, we are just one call away if you need assistance with questions after the event.

Watch This Video To Learn More

If you prefer to learn more about our what you can expect at our Citizenship Workshops in a visual format, we encourage you to watch one of the videos we have created. We have videos is available in Spanish and English.

Documents You'll Need

As you prepare to apply for citizenship, you will need to gather a variety of documents. You should bring these documents with you to the Citizenship Workshop.

  • Immigration history documents. This includes copies of all past applications you’ve filed, receipts, the decisions you received
    • You may need to contact your past attorney, nonprofit agency, or relative who sponsored you to receive a copy of your file
  • If you immigrated through a spouse, bring documents to prove you are living together, such as:
    • Joint tax returns
    • Bank statements
    • Rental leases
    • Mortgages
    • Your children’s birth certificates
  • Your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
  • Other names you’ve used:
    • If your name changed due to a change in marital status, bring your marriage certificate or divorce decree
    • If your name changed for any other reason, bring your court order
  • For men between 18-26 years old, bring proof of US Selective Service registration. You can verify registration at www.sss.gov
  • If you were arrested, detained, convicted, or cited for any offense,anywhere in the world, including traffic and dismissed offenses, you will need to bring certified court records.
    • Parking offenses are excluded from this requirement

A list of what to bring and where to find court records can be found here.

  • All current and previous home addresses for the last five years
  • All international travel dates and documents for the last five years, including:
    • Dates traveled outside of the US (Month/Day/Year)
    • Countries visited
    • Passports, travel itineraries, and tickets
  • For any international trips that lasted 180 days (six months) or more, you will need to bring:
    • Copies of your re-entry permit(s)
    • Documents related to your reason for travel
    • Dates traveled outside of the US (Month/Day/Year)
    • Countries visited
  • Tax and income documents, including:
    • Your most recent tax return
    • Your most recent W-2s and/or 1099s
    • Three most recent paystubs
  • Proof of a tax payment plan and recent payments, if applicable
  • If you receive public assistance (SNAP, food stamps, SSI, TANF, Medicaid, etc), bring your most recent, unexpired, award letter
    • You can request this letter from the office where you originally applied for the benefit, or any affiliated office
  • To see if you qualify for a waiver or reduction of your application filing fee, use this online tool
    • You will need to include your award letter for any public benefits you are currently receiving, most recent tax returns, and any related documents when filing your request
  • The following information about your spouse and children:
    • Full name
    • Date of birth
    • Location of birth
    • Alien registration number, social security number, or naturalization certificate number
    • Current address
    • The name of your spouse’s employer
  • Your prior spouse(s)’ information (if applicable):
    • Full name
    • Date of birth
    • Citizenship status
    • Date of marriage
    • Date of divorce or death
    • Divorce decree
  • Parenting plans (if applicable)
  • Proof of alimony, child support orders and recent payments (if applicable)